I am happy to read about what this amazing man did for you. He’s still with you, even though you can’t touch him, smell him , see him, or hear him in the familiar way. Like the taste of Juan’s ‘ amber sweat he remains.

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Thank you 💕

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Stunning, as always and probably my favorite of yours.

'Maybe it’s because it’s not multisyllabic enough to offer import to the passing. The word is cut short, like life'.

This section..I so wish I'd written it. It's something that will forever color and redefine how I think and feel about that word. And for that I'm grateful.

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I had the same thought when I read that bit. It takes the succinctness of the word itself and imports it with the whirlwind feelings of grief.

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Oh wow, that's a compliment I will keep with me - thank you!

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Trilety, I'm so sorry for your loss. “Beyond the pain of someone you love no longer existing, there’s the unexpected pain of living in a world where you are suddenly loved by one less person"--I have felt this exact thing, and it hits hard.

What a wonderful person Mike was. May you always feel his hand on your shoulder. ❤️

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That last line you wrote, wow, that is powerful and will stick with me - thank you so much for that gift.

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You’re so welcome--I’m glad it struck a chord. 🤗🤗

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A lovely, heartfelt tribute to Megan’s father, Mike. I wish I’d known him better and for a much longer time. His passing was much too swift.

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Aw thank you so much, Jan! And so so true about swift.

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I'm so sorry for your loss but so thankful Mike was in your life. The way you talk about him reminds me of my own dad and how terribly I'll miss him when he's gone. Jews have a saying when someone dies: May his memory be a blessing. I hope Mike's memory carries the blessing of all he gave to you.

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That is a great saying, thank you for sharing! Aw, I like that it reminded you of your dad, tho here's hoping he's around for years and years and years to come

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