
Thanks, Sam! I appreciate your reading and commenting - and yea lady, you are most definitely a Writer! Hahha, i love how there were no boundaries to what we wanted to do as kids - figure skater/paleontologist would fit well together in the more northern climes!

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“And yes, marriage and parenting are professions, they’re just paid in the currency of emotion. “. Wondering what type of pension I have earned and when I can retire. I loved all of this. You are a force.

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This was lovely, sweet and wry, I enjoyed the connecting thread tying together all these memories, the "mother" that goes into bread and is sustained from time to time, about the shifts between what we want to be and what do, and about doing and loving for oneself vs others, making the type of bread someone is looking for but didn't know they needed and not cutting corners. Some 'weck would be welcome.

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I love these reflections, Trilety. Your observation about asking kids what they want to BE instead of what they want to DO was so insightful. I’ve always thought about work in the frame of what I want to do rather than what I am...which is probably why I’ve always found excuses to avoid writing, even though a writer is what I really am.

Also, your childhood aspirations were so fun to hear! When I was a kid, I wanted to be a figure skater-paleontologist. :)

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