I really really love this. So entrancing.

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Aw thank you so much!

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This is lovely!

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Aw thank you!

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May 24Liked by Trilety Wade


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Well hello! And thank you very much. hope you are well, Amanda!

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May 24Liked by Trilety Wade

A beautiful binding, eyes and vulnerability. The disability granted by orgasm, lush eggs and eyes and testicles. The refuge of now with its terror and joy, its bright sun, so much simpler than cowering from loss and sickness and death. Thank you!

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You are my favorite poet. I'm copying your comment for my files and memory, how you astound me.

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Blue eyes sensitivity to sunlight is totally a thing, and leads to early macular degeneration too. I have to wear sunglasses outside during the summer.

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I had no clue about this until seeing it with Jim for the first time. The price you all pay for such beautiful eyes i guess.

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May 24Liked by Trilety Wade

wow. plus a Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille reference during our Full Moon (eye orb) tonite!

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of ANYone, i KNEW that YOU would be the one to pick up on that reference

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I majored in French Lit.

Um, like, majorly.


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This is lovely

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Thank you, my dear friend

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Blue eyes sensitivity to sunlight is totally a thing, and leads to early macular degeneration too. I have to wear sunglasses outside during the summer.

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